Advantages Of Ready Mixed Concrete



M10 PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) e.g. Leveling course, bedding for footing, concrete roads, etc.
M15 PCC e.g. Leveling course, bedding for footing, concrete roads, etc.
M20 RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc. (for mild exposure)


M25 RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.
M30 RCC e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.
M35 RCC e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, pilings, footings, etc.
M40 RCC e.g. Pre-stressed concrete, slabs, beams, pilings, columns, footings, etc.
M45 RCC e.g. Runways, Concrete Roads (PQC), Prestressed Concrete Girders, RCC Columns, spans Prestressed beams
M50 RCC e.g. Runways, Concrete Roads (PQC), Prestressed Concrete Girders, RCC Columns, spans Prestressed beams
M55 RCC e.g...Prestressed Concrete Girders and Piers

Advantages Of Ready Mixed Concrete Over Site Mixed Concrete



  • Ready-mix concrete is a ready-to-use mix for concretion.
  • Ready Mix Concrete is produced under controlled conditions ensuring consistent quality of all raw materials.
  • Ensures consistency and uniformity in all batch.
  • Computer-controlled batching avoids human errors.
  • With a precise amount of gravel, sand, water and cement together by weight, allowing concrete mixtures to be developed and implemented on construction sites at no time.
  • Material loss in site mixing is controlled by automated computer batching mechanisms. The expert ratio is followed for the purpose.
  • No wastage of concrete at site.
  • Technical expertise to provide a wide range of mixes to match the right mix design for the right application.

Convenience and time saving

  • More flexible in concrete design mixes. Results in faster and speeder construction.
  • Eliminating or minimizing human error and reduction in dependency on labour.
  • The mix design of the concrete can be tailor-made to suit all placing methods based on site conditions.
  • Reduced storage of raw materials and material handling at the site.
  • Reduced labour cost and supervision.
  • Timely deliveries in large as well as small pours.
  • All the wastages are avoided and the product is delivered to the site.
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